Privacy Policy


    By visiting and/or registering on the website (hereinafter - the Website) of MB Gėlų gija (hereinafter - the Company), you provide the Company with your personal data and give the Company the right to process them to the extent provided for in this privacy policy (hereinafter - the Policy). , ways and purposes. If you do not agree with the Policy or some of its provisions, you cannot use the services provided by the Company. The policy contains information about what personal data the Company processes, what are the purposes of personal data processing, their storage terms, what are your rights, and all other information related to personal data processing. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation, the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts. The Company may at any time update or change the Policy, the new version of which takes effect from the moment of publication on the Website.
    Data about the Company: MB 'Gėlų gija', legal entity 306358103.,, email
    Personal data is any information collected by the Company about you that can be used to determine your personal identity and is stored electronically or otherwise, i.e. Your name, surname, e-mail e-mail address, phone number, address, IP address, website browsing and purchase history, billing data. These data also include publicly available personal data of yours, which the Company becomes familiar with when you contact the Company through the social networks Facebook and Instagram or after taking active actions in the Company's accounts on the aforementioned social networks.
    The company collects and processes your personal data as indicated below:
    The purpose of data processing is registration, identification, your service, the administration of the sale of goods and the provision of services:
    Personal data processed - Name, surname, address, e-mail email address, phone number, IP address, billing information (bank account number, etc.), purchase history.
    The legal basis for data processing is your consent
    The term of data processing is two years from the customer's last login to the customer's account. We may store your consent and proof of it for a longer period, if necessary, in order to protect the Company's rights and legitimate interests.

    The right to access your personal data
    You can contact the Company at any time in order to verify whether the Company processes any of your personal data, and submit a request to familiarize yourself with your personal data processed by the Company.
    The right to correct personal data
    If the personal data provided to the Company in your registration form has changed or if you have noticed that the information about you processed by the Company is inaccurate or incorrect, you have the right to demand that this information be changed, clarified or corrected.
    Right to withdraw consent
    In cases where the Company processes your data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and data processing based on your consent will be terminated. In certain cases, this may mean that the Company will no longer be able to provide the opportunity to continue using the services provided by the Company.
    Right to file a complaint
    If you believe that your rights as a subject of personal data have been and/or may be violated, the Company asks you to immediately apply directly according to the procedure provided for in the Policy. The company undertakes to make every effort to find out the circumstances of your complaint and to inform you about the progress and result of the investigation of the complaint within a reasonable period of time. If you are not satisfied with the results of the Company's investigation, you will have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority - the State Data Protection Inspectorate.
    Right to erasure of personal data (right to be forgotten)
    In certain circumstances specified in data processing legislation (when personal data is processed illegally, the basis for data processing has disappeared, etc.), you have the right to request that the Company delete your personal data.

    The Company may transfer your personal data to its employees, intermediaries, service providers and/or other persons who help the Company to perform and administer the provision of services on the Website, if it is necessary to implement the purposes specified in the Policy.
    The Company may also transfer your personal data to the administrator of the social networks Facebook and Instagram in the event that you connect to the Company's account on the social networks Facebook and Instagram. Your personal data may also be provided to competent authorities or law enforcement agencies. , but only upon their request and only when 1) it is necessary according to the applicable legislation or 2) under the circumstances provided for by the legislation